I live and work in Cambridgeshire
I am a graduate of Camberwell, UAL, graduating in 2005 with a BA(Hons) in Fine Art – Painting, with electives in drawing and ceramics.
After my degree I went to Goldsmith’s and had a whirlwind post graduate year, earning my PGCE in Art and Design.
So how about now?
I love to paint for the fluid nature and versatility of the paint, creating and implying and hinting at narratives using the natural world as my stage and players.
I paint in oils or watercolour/inks depending largely on the subject matter
and love to draw with inks, especially quick spontaneous drawings.
Print making is also fascinating and I have been experimenting with mono-printing pieces.
Drawing, painting and making ceramics are fundamental to my artistic practice as is encouraging others to draw and be creative.
I am a huge fan and advocate of THE BIG DRAW (www.TheBigDraw.org) and The Big Draw Fulbourn annual event and monthly Pencils in the Pub sketching group.
Drawing and developing our visual literacy is so key to our thinking, expression, communication and inventiveness, it is not to be under-rated.